This time of year we are asked to give so "those less fortunate" can be blessed. And you know, that's a good thing. A great thing, in fact. However, I just wanted to present it from a little bit different perspective, if I may.
The Word of God tells us quite pointedly that we are supposed to take care of "our own" first. Our brothers and sisters in Christ are "family", and we all know what God tells us about family: That a man who doesn't take care of the needs of his own family first is worse than in infidel (I Timothy 5:8). Pretty strong stuff, that!
When we were pastoring some years back, we discovered something that we had always suspected, but which became quite clear while shepherding a flock of believers. There were many people in our own little church family more needy than those we were asked to "reach out" to. We also learned something else...those people in our church, who had such great needs, would never, ever ask for help, or put their name on any kind of list that was distributed for the purpose of asking for help. It didn't take long to realize that all we had to do was simply listen to that still, small voice to know what God was telling us to do, and to whom we were to do it. We were to bless those people....our family....first. Then God would bless us with an over abundant measure, so that we could then bless others outside our family.
Now, I'm not suggesting at all that people shouldn't give to those who have asked for help, or signed a list, or anything else like that. I am, however, encouraging you to just look around you. And to listen. God will allow you to see a lot of "angels" right in your own church family, sitting on the pews next to you, praying fervently--but silently--that somehow, God will meet some pretty heavy needs. Needs every bit as real and as great as those of people who have asked for help. If you bless those people, whether knowingling or anonymously, I guarantee you that they will praise God, and only Him, as the source of their needs being met. And you? Well, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you ministered to one of God's own children, your own brother or sister! And there is no feeling greater than being used by God to answer a believer's fervent prayers!
Just think about it... If you don't choose to change the way you "reach out" that's fine. But reaching right across a pew to help someone can be even more of a blessing if you just try it.
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