Sunday, January 22, 2012

1/2 of 5th Grade: back to Alton

The construction jobs my Daddy was working on at the Fort were now done. So we moved from Plato back to Alton where I finished out my 5th Grade. Whenever we weren't sure where we were going next, we always ended up back at Alton. I guess because that's where my Mom was from and all her family were there. And she always wanted to go back there every chance she got, even after the three of us kids were grown up and gone.

Anyway, my teacher for this stint of my 5th Grade was Mrs. Margaret Johnson. There really wasn't much that happened that short part of my school career...except for the French. The French teacher came in and taught us French a couple of days a week. I still remember a couple of the little French songs he taught us, and I'll teach them to London. She's already pretty good at Frere Jacques in rounds. I'm not sure why someone thought the kids in Oregon County, MO, needed to know French, but there you go.

If you've been keeping tally, this would have been not only my 5th Grade, but my FIFTH school. Granted, some of them were "repeats" but still count as a different school. I'm almost halfway through my 11-schools-in-12-years' school career.

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